
I am a woman born 1949 and my quest is to find a mindmate
to grow old together as a mutually devoted couple
in a relationship based upon the
egalitarian rational commitment paradigm
bonded by intrinsic commitment
as each other's safe haven and secure basis.

The purpose of this blog is to enable the right man
to recognize us as reciprocal mindmates and
to encourage him to contact me:

The entries directly concerning,
who could be my mindmate,
are mainly at the beginning.
If this is your predominant interest,
I suggest to read this blog in the same order
as it was written, following the numbers.

I am German, therefore my English is sometimes faulty.

Maybe you have stumbled upon this blog not as a potential match.
Please wait a short moment before zapping.

Do you know anybody, who could be my mindmate?
Your neighbour, brother, uncle, cousin, colleague, friend?
If so, please tell him to look at this blog.
While you have no reason to do this for me,
a stranger, maybe you can make someone happy, for whom you care.

Do you have your own webpage or blog,
which someone like my mindmate to be found probably reads?
If so, please mention my quest and add a link to this blog.

Monday, September 19, 2011

398. Fidelity Assessment?

Fidelity Assessment?

I found several articles describing innate physiological differences between men more or less prone to cheat.  

One of the differences can be observed by brain scans:

The second differences are attributed to a combination of the sexual excitation proneness and sexual inhibition proneness:

I am convinced that with some more research, methods can be developed for the purpose of measuring these differences.    As soon as these methods are reliable enough, they can then be used to predict the probability of a man's infidelity.  

Marriage is a risk.   To the pain of losing the trust and bond of a relationship due to cheating are added the high costs and delay of the court procedure in the case of a divorce.   This risk could be reduced by demanding men to undergo the fidelity assessment as a condition for marriage.