734. Deserved Consequences Of Polygamy
"Polygamy increases the risk of heart disease by more than 4-fold, reveals research presented at the Asian Pacific Society of Cardiology Congress 2015 (APSC 2015) by Dr Amin Daoulah, a cardiologist at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia."
"patients referred for coronary angiography at 5 hospitals in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates."
"The 687 married men in the study had an average age of 59 years and 56% had diabetes, 57% had hypertension and 45% had a past history of CAD. Around two-thirds of the men had one wife (68%) while 19% had 2 wives, 10% had 3 wives and 3% had 4 wives."
While there is no hope that consideration for women would ever suffice to influence such men towards opting for a monogamous life, maybe the own health may for some men be a reason to refrain from polygamy....