Postscriptum to Entry 321 (The Backlash)
This is one more example, that I often experience thoughts as my own ideas, but others already had them before me. The loss of originality is the gain of knowing, that there are likeminded people out there.
I just discovered an article, that has a similar ideas as I wrote in entry 321:
This is one more example, that I often experience thoughts as my own ideas, but others already had them before me. The loss of originality is the gain of knowing, that there are likeminded people out there.
I just discovered an article, that has a similar ideas as I wrote in entry 321:
Welcome to the New Paleolithic, where tens of thousands of years of human mating practices have swirled into oblivion like shampoo down the shower drain and Cro-Magnons once again drag women by the hair into their caves—and the women love every minute of it. Louts who might as well be clad in bearskins and wielding spears trample over every nicety developed over millennia to mark out a ritual of courtship as a prelude to sex: Not just marriage (that went years ago with the sexual revolution and the mass-marketing of the birth-control pill) or formal dating (the hookup culture finished that)—but amorous preliminaries and other civilities once regarded as elementary, at least among the college-educated classes.