Dopamine, Risk and Migration
In the entry 326 I attempted to explain, why I fill the gaps of my knowledge with speculations to complete my theory of mind.
In the entry 326 I attempted to explain, why I fill the gaps of my knowledge with speculations to complete my theory of mind.
But once in a while, I find delayed justification for my speculations. In entry 106 (on Migration, Evolution, Cultural Differences), I was wondering, if what I perceived as a cultural difference between the higher risk tolerance in the USA compared with Germany, could be explained by the self-selection being a consequence of migration.
Today I watched course 16 of the lecture by UCLA Prof. Jay Phelan on Life, Concepts and Issues. He mentions a genetic difference in the effect of dopamine receptors in the brain upon the personality influencing the risk taking tendencies.
His mentioning a study on migration made me curious and I found the research paper connecting DRD4 (DR=dopamine receptor) polymorphism with migration:
According to the authors, the genetic disposition was found in 22% of Europeans in the US, but only in 16% of Danes, 19% of Swedes, 10% of Finns and 18% of Spanish.